About the syrup colors and taste

If you have not tried my syrup at one of the markets I attend or one of the stores I have it in, then I will explain a little about them here.

The syrup color starts out light (Delicate and Amber) at the beginning of the run (early season) and continues to get darker as the season goes on (Dark - mid-season, Very Dark - late season).  We do not boil it longer to get a darker color.

As far as the taste of each, I will describe below, how they taste to me - and many of my customers.  Not EVERY customer tastes these exactly as I do, but about 90% do.  Hope this helps?

Amber Color - This has the lightest maple flavor, but it also has a buttery taste with the maple.

Dark Color - This has a nice maple flavor, but also a hint of caramel flavor as well.

Very Dark - This is the old "Grade B" with a new label.  It has that classic New England, strong maple flavor that so many love.


Daniel Fredette